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Adv Cats: Living 9 Lives to the Fullest

Adv Cats: Living 9 Lives to the Fullest

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Just when you thought you knew all there was to know about cats comes the ultimate--and unexpected--guide to taking your cat into the wild. Here are cats walking on a leash. Cats hiking on a leash. Cats tramping through snow. Cats camping. Cats kayaking, canoeing, even surfing--yes, cats who love water.

When animal writer and active hiker Laura Moss couldn't find an online resource for hitting the trail with her cat, she created one. took off like wildfire, with attention from Wired, the Huffington Post, Outside magazine, BuzzFeed, and much more. Now, the book Adventure Cats--a collection of jaw-dropping photographs, inspiring stories of real-life cats, and all the how-to a cat owner needs--will take readers and their cats well beyond the backyard. Learn how to leash-train a cat. What to do if you encounter wildlife on the trail. Plus, winter safety tips, and how to bring a little bit of the outdoors to an indoor cat.

The stories themselves are catnip for animal lovers, from Nanakuli, the one-eyed cat who hangs ten; to Georgie, a four-year-old gray tabby who lives on a sailboat; to Quandary, who not only insists on hiking with her family but also teaches them a valuable lesson: When you follow your cat's natural tendency to wander, you experience the outdoors at a slower, richer pace. This book will delight every cat person, regardless of whether their pet is inclined to adventure. (Take the quiz at the beginning of the book to find out!)

Bears: Black Brown & Polar

Bears: Black Brown & Polar

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See Bears Up Close from the Comfort of Your Sofa

Professional naturalist, wildlife photographer, and author Stan Tekiela explores some of North America's most desolate areas, pursuing smart, powerful, and resourceful creatures: bears. With his instinct for being in the right place at the right time, Stan utilizes rare opportunities to capture some of the most compelling images of his career. Through this book, you can enter the world of these powerful creatures through stunning photos and personal anecdotes from Stan's journeys into the wild. Share in his travels and develop a new appreciation and respect for bears.

Deer Man (NEXT): Seven Years of Living in the Wild

Deer Man (NEXT): Seven Years of Living in the Wild

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For readers of Fox & I comes "a fable very much for our time."--The TIMES

"Unusual and fascinating... Read this book and enter into another world."-- Jane GoodallIn this sensuous and moving memoir, a young man forms a powerful connection with deer while living alone in the woods for seven years.Geoffroy Delorme does not fit in the human world. As a boy, he dreams of transforming into a fox so he can escape into the forest. As he gets older, he disappears into the woods at night, drawn to the rhythms of animal life. One night, an encounter with a deer changes his life: from then on, he knows he wants to live among them. Delorme becomes a creature of the forest. He learns to live without a tent or sleeping bag and forage for whatever food he can find. He blends in with the deer and, slowly, they accept him into their world. He witnesses their births and deaths, courtship and battles, ostracism and friendship over the cycles of their lives. Among the deer, he experiences the beauty, pain, fear, and joy of a life lived as a part of nature, not separate from it.In his final year in the forest, Delorme meets a woman walking through the trees. He knows he can stay in the forest and die with his friends--or he can leave, and speak their truth to a human world that desperately needs to hear it. Deer Man is a moving story of what it's like to be an outsider and how forming connections with the natural world can help us feel less alone. A unique and powerful window into how far one human is willing to go to understand an animal, Deer Man asks us to never take for granted the flora and fauna of our world, and to work for their protection in whatever ways we can.
Divinity of Dogs: True Storiesof Miracles Inspired by Man's Best Friend, The

Divinity of Dogs: True Storiesof Miracles Inspired by Man's Best Friend, The

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From the bestselling author of God Stories, this "uplifting book...filled with pure joy" (Chicago Tribune) shares the inspiring stories of people who have encountered the divine through their dogs.

The Divinity of Dogs is about the moments we learn something profound about life from an experience with a dog. In this inspiring collection of true dog stories, you'll hear dramatic firsthand accounts from people whose lives have been transformed by a dog's love. From everyday blessings to lifealtering miracles, these stories confirm what many of us have always known: dogs are the ultimate gift, sent here to help us on our journey.

You'll meet Mazie, the Lab who was rescued from a shelter only to return the favor by rescuing her new family; Luna, the Retriever who pulled her person to safety after she collapsed in a field; Little Bit, the Chihuahua who detected cancer in her owner's breast; Emma, the Rottweiler who stopped a troubled man from taking his life; Bo, the Boxer who helped comfort a mother after the loss of her son; and other amazing, heroic dogs you'll never forget.

Filled with heartwarming anecdotes, adorable dog photos, and the author's moving personal story, The Divinity of Dogs reminds us that we're not alone and will always have joy in our lives as long as we have dogs by our sides.

Horse Lovers Encyc: A-Z Guide to all things Equine

Horse Lovers Encyc: A-Z Guide to all things Equine

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Here is a completely revised, full-color second edition of the established go-to source for equestrian information. This comprehensive A-to-Z guide covers "everything horse" and bridges gaps in the equestrian universe between English and Western styles. More than 1,700 entries explain wide-ranging topics such as breeds, tack, facilities, equine care and management, health and safety issues, riding styles and disciplines, shows, and much more. Whether you're a rodeo hand, thoroughbred racer, seasoned professional, or armchair admirer, you'll get everything you need from noted equestrian author Jessie Haas' clear and thorough descriptions.

American Horse Publications Association's Equine Media Awards Winner

Inner Life of Animals (IBS): Love, Grief, & Compassion-Surprising Observations of a Hidden World

Inner Life of Animals (IBS): Love, Grief, & Compassion-Surprising Observations of a Hidden World

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From the New York Times-bestselling author of The Hidden Life of Trees.

"The Inner Life of Animals will rock your world. This book shows us that animals think, feel and know in much the same way as we do."--Sy Montgomery, bestselling author of The Soul of an Octopus

Through vivid stories of devoted pigs, two-timing magpies, and scheming roosters, The Inner Life of Animals weaves the latest scientific research into how animals interact with the world with Peter Wohlleben's personal experiences in forests and fields. We learn that horses feel shame, deer grieve, and goats discipline their kids. Ravens call their friends by name, rats regret bad choices, and butterflies choose the very best places for their children to grow up.

In this captivating book, Peter Wohlleben follows the hugely successful The Hidden Life of Trees with insightful stories into the emotions, feelings, and intelligence of animals around us. Animals are different from us in ways that amaze us--and they are also much closer to us than we ever would have thought.

"Wry, avuncular, careful and kind. . . Each story adds to a widening vision of intelligence, emotion and relationship."--The Guardian

Published in Partnership with the David Suzuki Institute

Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell & Know (IBS)

Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell & Know (IBS)

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The #1 New York Times bestselling book from the author of The Year of the Puppy that asks what dogs know and how they think. The answers will surprise and delight you as Alexandra Horowitz, a cognitive scientist, explains how dogs perceive their daily worlds, each other, and that other quirky animal, the human.

Horowitz introduces the reader to dogs' perceptual and cognitive abilities and then draws a picture of what it might be like to be a dog. What's it like to be able to smell not just every bit of open food in the house but also to smell sadness in humans, or even the passage of time? How does a tiny dog manage to play successfully with a Great Dane? What is it like to hear the bodily vibrations of insects or the hum of a fluorescent light? Why must a person on a bicycle be chased? What's it like to use your mouth as a hand? In short, what is it like for a dog to experience life from two feet off the ground, amidst the smells of the sidewalk, gazing at our ankles or knees?

Inside of a Dog explains these things and much more. The answers can be surprising--once we set aside our natural inclination to anthropomorphize dogs. Inside of a Dog also contains up-to-the-minute research--on dogs' detection of disease, the secrets of their tails, and their skill at reading our attention--that Horowitz puts into useful context. Although not a formal training guide, Inside of a Dog has practical application for dog lovers interested in understanding why their dogs do what they do. With a light touch and the weight of science behind her, Alexandra Horowitz examines the animal we think we know best but may actually understand the least. This book is as close as you can get to knowing about dogs without being a dog yourself.

Myths & Truths about Coyotes: What you Need to Know

Myths & Truths about Coyotes: What you Need to Know

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Once just a colorful character in children's cartoons or accounts of the Old West, coyotes are now real-life neighbors to nearly every one of us. Coyotes can be found in every U.S. state except Hawaii, and they make themselves at home in suburbs and cities, as well as the countryside. Most of us have heard or read stories or watched TV accounts of coyote problems across the country, and many of us have heard the howls of a coyote pack somewhere just beyond our sight.

The spread of the intelligent, adaptable, and opportunistic coyote across America is one of the biggest wildlife success stories of recent years--but not everyone is happy about it. Parents worry that their children might be attacked by a coyote in the backyard or a nearby field or park. Pet owners have the same concern about their cats and dogs. Sheep and cattle farmers, and even fruit growers, have long been up in arms about losses to coyotes. And the list goes on. . . .

As with any topic about which little is known and much is feared or suspected, bring up the subject of coyotes, and myths and half-truths fly. These myths and misunderstandings are rooted partly in the actual habits and activities of coyotes and partly in our fear of and fascination with them. Myths & Truths About Coyotes gives every reader an interesting course in Coyote 101--deflating the myths, illuminating and sharing the truths, and delivering a few surprises along the way.

"Brilliant! In Myths & Truths About Coyotes, Carol Cartaino has managed to do the near impossible. She's given us impartial insight into coyotes' existence and tapped into every aspect of their lives. Whether you love coyotes or hate them, we must all learn to live with them. Carol has given us a gift in showing some of the best ways to do so."
--John H. Williams, wildlife biologist and author of Deer Hunter's Field Guide: Pursuing Michigan's Whitetails

SALE: Encyc of Animal Predators

SALE: Encyc of Animal Predators

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Learn to identify threatening species through tracks, scat, and the damage they leave behind. Fascinating profiles of more than 50 predatory mammals, birds, and reptiles teach farmers, ranchers, homesteaders, and backyard-animal raisers how to prevent their livestock, poultry, and pets from becoming prey. By understanding how predators think and behave, where and how they live, and how they attack and kill prey, you'll be able to interpret the potential threats surrounding your home. Whether you have a vested interest in protecting your pets and livestock or are simply spellbound by wild predators, this is the book for you!
SALE: Every Dog: Bk of over 450 Breeds

SALE: Every Dog: Bk of over 450 Breeds

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Every Dog: A Book of Over 450 Breeds packs in a lot of information. Illustrations, text, charts, tables and icons make it an ideal reference for all dog lovers, who will enjoy flipping through the pages.

The over 450 breeds are thoroughly researched and represent canines from around the world. They range from rare breeds for the dog lover that wants something different, to the favorite breeds that make for a reliable choice. There are ancient breeds and modern breeds, including the "designer dogs" that have become so popular in recent years.

The over 450 breeds are organized into various categories, such as type (which share loosely common ancestry and traits), purpose, and more. For example, Spitz-Type Dogs typically have thick and dense fur, pointed ears and muzzles, and puffy tails that curl up and over their rears. They descend from ancient breeds that came from Arctic regions. Spitz dogs include the Akita, Canaan, American Eskimo, and the Pomeranian.

Each breed is described on one page and includes these details:

  • English and any alternative names, place of origin and year of first known introduction
  • Icons and keys indicating all available coat colors; exercise requirements; graph indicating average weight, height and life expectancies
  • At a Glance chart rating Intelligence; Ease of training; Affection; Playfulness; Good guard dogs; Good with children; Good with other dogs; and Grooming required.
  • Descriptive text and a brief history of the breed
  • Two color photographs, one adult and one puppy.
  • Every Dog: A Book of Over 450 Breeds is a fabulous reference. In addition to the hundreds of breeds of all type, origin and purpose, the book includes the many designer breeds developed over the last couple of decades, making it undoubtedly the most up to date and detailed breed book currently available.